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Megha Khandelwal, Ph.D

Director, Teacher Ed., STEM Education CenterAssistant Professor, Department of Chemistry Adjunct Profesor, CLASS Department

  • • Speare 134 & Lopez 219
    (575) 835-5470
    Email for Appointment

Megha Khandelwal is the Director of Teacher Ed. Programs at STEM Education Center and an Assistant Professor in the Chemistry Department at New Mexico Tech (NMT). The STEM Education Center presides over Undergraduate Minor in Secondary Education, Alternative Licensure (Elementary or Secondary Education), and Master of Science for Teachers Programs. Although trained as a scientist in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Megha has more than 10 years of teaching experience ranging in high school through post-baccalaureate students. Her major accomplishments include spearheading the establishment of Teacher Licensure Programs and receiving $5 million in endowment funding to create the STEM Education Center at NMT.

Professional Experience

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